Friday, July 9, 2010

How To Keep Your Yard and Garden Pest Free Without Harsh Chemicals

"Deer, slugs, and other garden destroying pests might be a part of our natural world, but that doesn't mean you have to tolerate them being a natural part of your garden. These tips will keep your plants pest-free without harsh chemicals.

Better living through chemistry has given us off-the-shelf and factory-manufactured solutions for any problem you can imagine. Many people, however, want to forgo using harsh chemicals in their yards and gardens to avoid unnecessary chemical exposure. This guide highlights a variety of ways you can keep your landscaping lush and your gardens unmolested by pests without having to spread toxic paste on anything or use a sprayer that requires an OSHA-approved canister mask to use safely. We'll start with the easiest solutions that you can apply now—even if you're a renter—and move onto the more time-consuming solutions that require more advanced planning. For the sake of readability we'll be referring to the space you're working on as a "garden" for the rest of the article, but all of these methods work equally as well on landscaping in general"

For the rest of the article please visit the lifehacker wesbite: click here

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